Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I haven't forgot about you.... you've just been onthe back burner.

After being unemployed for about 2 months, I have taken on three separate jobs to make up the time and money that I've had unemployed.

Needless to say, that means that this blog has been left behind a bit while life gets back on track. It's tough going so long without a paycheck coming in and relying on others to help you through it all.

Since being unemployed, I've had to cancel my WoW account and Live account to help cut some costs that could otherwise be going to feed myself or pay bills.

But this blog was never meant for me to complain about life, because we all know life can suck at times and reading a blog about it doesn't really make anything better.

So here is the gaming blog post you are probably here to read.

After canceling my WoW account and Live, I turned to something that I never thought I'd be addicted to. Casual Facebook Games.

Specifically Frontierville and Cafe World. Oh how those two can take over your life.

This game concept is quite simple. Start something, come back later and take care of it. It is a simple mechanic that makes the player come back time and time again. Little quests and missions force you to friend other people who also play the game and work with each other to get everything you need to run the best whatever.

If you have a facebook, you know people who play these games.

Both of my parents, additively, play these type of games. And now, sadly I do too.

So this ones for those who need some free games to play, there are countless amounts of free games to be played online at Facebook. Go have fun and get addicted.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Been busy with life as of lately, but I figured I'd sit down and type up what I've been playing in the time that I've had.

My PSP was recently brought back out after hiding away for a long time. I decided to give Patapon another try. I was in love with the game, became stuck at a part and never picked it up. With Patapon 2 out and the third coming out in December, I decided to try the game again.

Only I found out those cute little beats that you memorize are extremely hard to pick back up after not playing for about a year! So I restarted and played the game from the start. I do love this game and look forward to actually putting the time towards beating it.

This has really been the time of hand held games for me lately. I started playing The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, after having it forever but never giving it the proper attention. A few dungeons in and since I've started playing it, my roommate also picked up her copy and has also been playing. Which is great because we play off each other when we get stuck. Works well for us.

And after ALL that, I've start to play Pokemon SoulSilver Version, been enjoyable so far. I like that it goes back to the first 250 (is that right?) pokemon. While this isn't the orginal 151 (right?), it's better than having all those extra ones I've never even heard of. A few Gyms in and really it just feels like a newer version of the gold and silver I'm used to, which is fine with me.

Off to play more Patapon, I really should update and play something more new and relevant, but whatever.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I apologize to start for the lack of updates on this blog, I had a very close death in the family and was away for a few days and really was not up to updating my blog. But I'm back and still trying to get back into the swing of things. While I was gone some major things have happened in the World of Warcraft and in my own world, while playing World of Warcraft.

Patch 3.3.5 has dropped, though with Ruby Sanctum soon to follow, we now have our new Vote To Kick up and running and the Real ID is in place. There are a lot of mixed feelings about Real ID, but I like it. I am one of those people, and I'm sure there are a ton of us, who has a bunch of friends who play WoW but none of those friends are on the same server. This is a way for me to connect with my IRL friends even if we are on different servers. It has to be stressed that this is just for that, only real life friends who you can trust, because you are giving out your email address that is linked to the account, which could make it very easy for hackers to compromise your account. Speaking of hackers...

The hell I've been through lately with my WoW account.

My roommates and I have a computer that is kind of free for anyone to use and it's not a bad computer at all, thing is, I'm pretty sure we HAD a keylogger on it. My account was hacked and all of my mains items were stolen, along with my gold. So I did what I was supposed to do, contacted a Blizzard Rep in game, got everything sorted out, changed my password and then began to wait for the 8-11 day reset on my account.

Then it happened again a few days later, having only ever logged on to that computer with my WoW account, I cleaned up that computer and called Blizzard (the hacker had stuck an Authenticator on the account), this time I decided to cancel the account until I could get an authenticator. Which is probably a blessing in disguise, as I haven't had work in nearly a month and my money is running short.

So now I am without WoW for the time being, basically until I get another job lined up and I'm not worrying about money so much. Then I'll buy an authenticator and then I'll start my World of Warcraft account back up and I'll be back in business. I must say though, for as much as having your account hacked sucks, Blizzard has been nothing but a pleasure to work with to get everything straightened out. I hate having to deal with any sort of customer service, but theirs was amazing to work with.

So yes, that has been my crazy ass life and I really just want everything to settle down.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Xbox 360 Slim

Let me start off with saying, this thing is beautiful. It's light weight and so quiet. After a little problem over remembering what my email and password was for my Live account I was on my way to transferring everything over from my puny little 20gig to my brand new 250gig. Which is awesome, since I was down to 2gigs after deleting everything I could bare to part with.

The eject button and power button take the slightest touch to get the button to react and the eject beeps when it is pulling the disc in an out. The system came with a headset too, which was awesome since I had been using my roommates after my (at the time) puppy destroyed mine.

The controller is actually different than the other black controllers released before, it has the same shiny look to it and the analog stick is darker. The whole thing is just beautiful.

I got a really great deal on the whole thing, I traded in my old Xbox with the Wireless Adapter and got $170 after I traded in the Hard Drive, this is just a deal GameStop has going on for people who are trading in toward the purchase of the slim Xbox. I traded in a bunch of games I don't play any more too and brought the price of the new system down considerably.

Luckily, my roommates have a transfer cable so moving everything over wasn't a problem either.

Anyone else pick up the new system? What's your thoughts on this sexy little beast of a game system?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

After thoughts of E3 2010

Overall, I think this had to be one of the best E3s in a long while. I didn't get tired of listening to graphs by Reggie at the Nintendo Press Conference, like I did at last years event. A bunch of exciting things are coming out this holiday season or next year. Here are a few I'm excited about.
  • Rock Band 3
  • Portal 2
  • Kirby Epic Yarn
  • Xcon
  • Star Wars MMORPG
  • Professor Layton 
  • Kinect
  • N3DS
I'm sure there are more I am forgetting, but in general, I'll need to be saving up to keep up with everything I'll be wanting to buy this coming year.

Also, I'm totally trading in my Xbox on Friday to get the new Slim Xbox, I'll be sure to update with thoughts on this new system.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

E3 Nintendo "Spotlight"

With day 2 starting, we have the headliners back to back. Nintendo and Sony. First to bat, Nintendo with all the new information on the 3DS and Zelda.

  • The Legend of Zelda, Skyward Sword - Coming right out of the starting lane with the one everyone has been looking forward to, Zelda for the Wii. We are shown a short trailer for the game and then a live demo. Nintendo had a few problems with the controllers doing what they wanted to. We see that Nintendo is going full force with the Motion Plus, now your Wii Remote and Nun-chuck are your sword and shield in the game for Link. The showed off the new slingshot skills, the use of a whip and a beetle that scope out ahead of you and pick up items. It's still in early development. I wouldn't expect to see this released until Holiday season of 2011.

  • NBA Jam - Not much but a blurb was said about this game. Not sure if it's going to be a revamp of the original or a new one altogether.

  • Mario Sports Mix - Mario is venturing to more sports this Spring 2011 with volleyball, dodgeball, basketball, hockey.

  • Wii Party - New party game that uses your Miis. Basically this looks a lot like a Mario party game but for the Miis. With over 70 games you will be able 

  • Just Dance 2 - New moves, new music and up to 8 players. The sequel to the successful dancing game for the Wii. 

  • Golden Sun, Dark Dawn- After many years of nothing, the Golden Sun story is back and for the Nintendo DS. Game play looks beautiful and fully uses both screens to tell this story of the fan favorite RPG.

  • Goldeneye - A revamped version of Goldeneye for the Wii. Something to really look forward too, coming out this November.

  • Disney's Epic Mickey - You play in Wasteland, a land of forgotten theme park rides and characters. The main game mechanic is derived from erasing and creating, using paint and paint thinner. Players change the game world and doing so changes the game play. Characters talk to you differently on how you play, whether you defeat an enemy or change them to good. A mix of platform, adventure and RPG game style. The live demo plays through the world of Steam Boat Willie, which is the episode short that introduced Mickey to the world. The art of the movie scenes looks gorgeous in this game.

  • Kirby Epic Yarn - An adorable game that uses a similar side scrolling style that we saw in Paper Mario. You use the world around Kirby to zipper, pull and string your way through levels. This game has a release date of this fall.

  • Dragon Quest Live -  Already released in Japan, this wildly popular game is going to our shores in 26 days, July 11th, with online play and the game goes on after you shut your DS. They did a shout-out to a player in Japan who had logged over 150 hours already in the game.

  • Metroid Other M - Another Metroid game to be released for the Wii and created by Ninja Team, who brought us Ninja Gaiden. Samus returns on August 31st. 

  • Donkey Kong Country Returns - A new Donkey is coming out this Holiday and it looks to be a keeper. The game is back to it's roots, being an awesome side scrolling, rail riding, banana catching game. Music sounds amazing and true to the game.

  • Nintendo 3DS - Finally, what we have been waiting for, Nintendo DS using 3D technology without the use of the glasses. A technology that's been around for a short time but hasn't been used. You'll be able to choose the degree of 3D power that the hand held puts out, all the way to turning it off altogether. Suprisingly, the DS has been out for 6 years, with 4 different DS styles. The DS, DS lite, DSi and DS XL and now the 3DS. The new hand held has a sliding circular analog pad above the D-Pad. The 3DS will have camera functionality, the DS will have two camera lenses on the outside which is suppose to be able to take 3D pictures. The DS demos will be showing off 3D movies on the DS, but this might not turn out to be an actual function for the released system. The new DS will have a different way of talking to other DSs. Being able to somehow communicate even when you change games. 

  • Kid Icarus, Uprising - A game designed specifically for the 3D function of the new DS. Kid Icarus is back in this beautiful 3D game. With a release of Coming Soon. 

  • Nintendogs & Cats - The DS will now have it's crazily popular game released again for the 3D function and bringing along furry cats for the party.
So with that, about a hundred models entered the floor with strapped on N3DSs and went out to show everyone the new technology. Something to look forward to, I wish there was a release date. That's this years Nintendo Press Conference, I think they took the cake with this one. Sony has a lot to stand up to now.

Monday, June 14, 2010

E3 Ubisoft | Games You Can Feel

The room goes dark and we watch 10 minutes of a man playing a trippy game for the Xbox using the Kinect. G4 then screwed it up for a bit (no wonder Microsoft jumped the ship with Spike TV), I'm guessing the game is called Child of Eden though. Then I was happy to see Joel McHale (of The Soup) hosting the Ubisoft Press conference.  After that we were back on track with game demos!

  • Assassins Creed, Brotherhood- With a November 16th release date, we are ready for another Assassins Creed game. A beautiful trailer showcasing what you would expect for this game. Auditore is back and is still quite the ladies man. The demo shows your Villa under attack and you escaping on horseback through your crumbling village. Switching over to a cannon attack, you try to hold your villa. The game looks beautiful with far off detail of the land around you. Then before you know if you are in sword to sword combat all in a matter of a few minutes of game play. This game boasts many different game mechanics and even more interesting ways to assassinate your enemies.   

  • Shaun White Skateboarding- Move over Tony Hawk, Shaun White is back again this year to show off his new game, and he's moving into your turf. Skateboarding.  Shaun White's third game takes to the streets to show off all the new moves. The demo begins with a slightly creepy dead and void black and white world. As you skate through town, you bring color to the world. Though, I thought this game was already made... Super Mario Sunshine or even The Blob. Ignoring that, you add life back to the dead world and transform the world around you. Creating rails, skating down through the subways, making trees become full and colorful with life. I find it a strange way of playing, the idea of building the rails and ramps as you go through and ride on them. 

  • Battle Tag - Something different than anything else I've seen today, a new laser tag type game that you play with your friends that updates to your computer. You can play against each other with up to 4 Vs 4 or play using targets. Seems pretty neat, I guess price point will really be what makes this game. The game comes with two guns, two harnesses and targets and bases. 

  • Innergy-  The creator with quite red hair, had Joel McHale put on a finger sensor and then went through a breathing exercise on the computer. The sensor followed his breathing pattern. The game is basically a relaxing tool in a game form. Could be cool, but looked to be in it's beginning stages, may be something to watch out for.

  • Rayman Raving Rabbits, Travel In Time- This series is back again and this time back IN time. The trailer shows the rabbits going back to the stone age, pyramid building Egypt and to the pulling of the sword in the stone. Only for the Wii.

  • Ghost Recon, Future Solider - A demo is shown of this new Tom Clancy game. The game looks gorgeous with sneak kills and invisible armor allowing you to get to the enemy unnoticed. The demo shows the player sneaking through an enemy beach and slowly approaching and finishing off each opponent that stands in your way through stealthy moves.

  • Driver, San Fransisco - Another game in the Driver series. The trailer shows us the main character, John Tanner, a detective taking down the crime-lord Jericho. Going back to the roots, in beautiful California's San Fransisco, amazing car chases, the game goes for the 70's car chase movie feel, as it's original game was based off of.  New feature is the ability to shift from vehicle to vehicle to chase on the over 200 miles of roads. 

  • Project Dust- The start of this trailer states that all of the video is made of actual in game footage. Very short video, not really giving to much information about the game other than it is a working title.

  • Rayman Origins - The Rayman series is back and without the Raving Rabbits! A side scrolling flat 2D with beautiful artwork . The trailer shows that it used many different artists work to create the world you play through. Gorgeous landscapes paint the background of this game. 

  • Mania Planet - This new computer game allows you to play through user made worlds of FPS, RPG and Racing.  You'll be able to play by yourself or with others in this community made gaming world.
So with this I bid everyone good night and will see you tomorrow for more updates as they happen.